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The Price of Truth PAPERBACK

The Price of Truth PAPERBACK

SKU: 366615376135191

 The Price of Truth: A true story of child sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish World -- and one girl's courage to survive

By Genendy



I wonder if I could be dead and still stay far away from God.

I want to fly to the clouds, in between the sky and God, where there are no people.

I can crawl inside a fluffy cloud and feel safe for a few minutes. I don't have to be me up here. I can pretend I'm good and pretend I'm safe. No one can bother me or fight with me. No one can touch me or hurt me. I can turn into a cloud and float away.

Far, far away…


Genendy was born to a large ultra-Orthodox family with a big, horrific secret. She was sexually molested when she a very young child by the very people who were meant to protect her. In this stunning memoir, she goes back to those terrifying events and brings them to us through the innocent eyes of her young self. It is a story that will shock you, move you, and ultimately inspire you with Genendy’s strength, courage, and resilience.  



"Price of Truth is extremely powerful, simultaneously disturbing and inspiring. It should be required reading for anyone who wants to understand the struggle of an abused child to confront incest and to function normally. The author describes what it meant to grow up without any support from her family and her religious community. Yet this not an attack on Judaism. Genendy emerged a committed observant Jew an educator dedicated to transform her community in confronting abuse. It is also a love story proving that one can survive abuse and live a meaningful spiritual existence." -- Rabbi Yosef Blau, spiritual supervisor of RIETS, Yeshiva University, and president of the Religious Zionists of America


"It took great courage for Genendy to write this wonderful book. Her insights will help the many abuse victims to overcome the shame and emotional paralysis that plagues them. It is the abusers who should feel ashamed; but abusers don’t experience shame; they are too busy making up excuses, lying accusing their victims of being crazy and 'imagining things.' Thus, the victims tend to carry all the trauma and scars on their own and are often vilified, rejected and ostracized by those who either refuse to acknowledge that abuse exists or who seek to cover up their own crimes. May this book be a healing for those who have suffered." -- Dr. Miriam Adahan, author, psychologist, and founder of EMETT ("Emotional Maturity Established Through Torah")  


"One of the bravest people I have been honored to know has written a heart-wrenching and inspiring memoir. May her words encourage other survivors to speak their truth! I, for one, applaud her honesty. Genendy - may you be blessed with continued strength, health and much happiness!" -- Chaya Bluma Gadenyan


"Genendy, through enormous courage to write her story, has provided a platform to share in, what often times, is an isolated and secretive world. By creating a community of validation and support, she offers a path of healing for survivors of sexual abuse.
Her honest authenticity, exposes the tumultuous whirlwind of pain and suffering felt by survivors at the hands of seemingly close, trusted and respected members of their own family. Genendy, has written a groundbreaking book, which makes a tremendous contribution to survivors and professionals alike. " -- Rachel Ackerman, MSW and Joan B. Kristall, MSW



About the author

Genendy is an early childhood educator for over twenty years in both the U.S. and Israel. She is an advocate for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, an activist for child safety, a writer and blogger. Although her identity is not a secret, as a gesture of respect for her family's privacy, Genendy chooses to sign her book using her first name. Genendy lives in Israel with her husband and children. Find her at at


    Format: Paperback

    Publication date:  June 3, 2019

    ISBN-13:  9781532387494

    Pages:  194

    Product dimensions:  6 x9 in

13.99$ Regular Price
12.59$Sale Price
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